Check-In is 13:00 hrs and Check-Out time is 11:00 hrs, any extension of stay must be reconfirmed with the duty manager.
The hotel is not responsible for the safety of any personal item(s) / valuable(s) / money / documents left in the room or the hotel premises. This liability extends to both guest(s) and their visitor(s).
The hotel is not liable for personal injuries and/or accidents that occur in the rooms and/or the premises.
The hotel is not responsible for the safety of any vehicle(s) and personal item(s) valuable(s) / money / documents left inside the vehicle(s) parked on the hotel premises. This liability extends to both guest(s) and their visitor(s).
Guest(s) should ensure that their hotel room door is properly secure at all times. Half Moon Resort management cannot be held responsible for any personal item(s) / valuable(s) / money / documents left in the rooms. This liability extends to both guest(s) and their visitor(s). 
Guest(s) will be held responsible for any loss or damage to hotel property caused by themselves, their friend(s) or any person(s) for whom they are responsible.
Guest(s) will be held responsible for any missing or damaged items in their hotel room or any internal/external areas of the hotel. This liability extends to both guest(s) and their visitor(s).
Pre-termination is not allowed. Extensions will be subjected to availability and rate adjustments.
Guest(s) with non-cancellable / non-refundable reservations will be liable for the full duration of their original booking.
The hotel reserves the right charge per night cancellation fee should you cancel any nights from your originally intended length of stay.
Please do not smoke in your room as a deep cleaning surcharge of USD50.00 per day will apply if you do so.
By signing on this, I hereby agree to the above reservation details and authorize Half Moon Resort to charge my credit card with the amount outstanding on my account when I check-out. I consent to this charge being made without signing the final invoice.
All disputes will only be settled at the “Centro de Conciliación y Arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio e Industrias de Cortés”.
The management reserves to itself the right to add, alter, or amend any of the above  terms, conditions, and rules.